Fish Face of Okinawa

(Fish Face Exhibition)


ID:                   00MW-0012

Price:                14,800 yen

Discs:               1

Sound:              B-Mode

Running Time:   22 minutes

Released:          Sony

Fantastic underwater “opera” featuring tropical fish found in the local waters off of Okinawa, Japan.  Featuring upbeat classical and period piece music tuned to the activities of the local underwater population.  An entertaining and breathtaking disc !

The picture is fantastic with very bold and deep colors, a punchy picture.  The fish are all well shot with plenty of light, and there is plenty of low level detail present.  So good is the picture in many of the shots you can make out the scales and imperfections on the skin of each fish. 


MUSE compression artifacts are absent, and this disc is proof that the MUSE compression can and does work well.  Simply amazing.


B-Mode sound, the soundstage is alive with even the surround channels getting plenty of ambient activity.  Low frequency effects are tied to the music, and with some of the deeper sounding string instruments, the subwoofer channel does get a workout.  Music is well detailed and has a warm sound and a lively soundstage. 


Seeing fish in synch with music such as the “Nutcracker” is not only very entertaining, but amusing and relaxing all at the same time.

If you don’t like classical music, bright and sharp picture, and tropical fish, then you won’t like this disc.  But for a virtual aquarium with personality, this disc is just awesome and highly recommended.