Silence of the Lambs


ID:                   HVMC-12819  

Price:                24,800 yen

Discs:               2

Sound:              A-Mode / EFM

Running Time:   1:58

Released:          Sony

A very disturbing movie about a mental patient locked up indefinitely who was a former psychiatrist and also a cannibal.  He is now needed to help catch a killer who skins his victims, and is holding a prominent senators daughter. 

Picture starts out very grainy and washed out with artifacts, but as the film progresses, picture quality becomes much better.  However, the majority of this film is very soft, and doesn’t quite have the detail level that Hi-Vision is capable of.  This is also an early transfer and probably would have looked much better if transferred and released later using better technologies.


Artifacts are present, but aren’t very distracting.  Let’s just say they are there.

Sound is one of this discs better attributes, and uses all the channels very effectively.  Surrounds have plenty of activity and the subwoofer also sees some action.  Dialog is a bit muffled in the center channel, but isn’t terribly poor.    


Only someone who liked this film enough to watch it again will want to pick this disc up.  Otherwise, there are better looking movies.